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Upgrade Ruby With RVM

Once in a while, we need something extraordinary tool to help us with our daily programming tasks, and Ruby is no excuse.

To get started make sure you know what current version your development environment has.

To check your current Ruby version use the below command.

ruby -v

Above will give you something like

ruby 2.7.2p137 (2020-10-01 revision 5445e04352) [x86_64-linux]

Sure, from there you’ll know how many version you’re lag behind.

To upgrade or update your ruby use the below command

rvm get

This will give you a ton of options, perfect right? e.g.

rvm get {stable|latest|latest-x.y|x.y.z|head|master|branch|help} [--auto-dotfiles] [--autolibs=X]

Pretty much, to upgrade to the latest version of ruby, simply use any of the combination command above, e.g.

ruby get latest

That’s it, happy coding ^_^

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